Wednesday 10 June 2015

2015 Seoul Haul | Lower-ticket Items (Part 1)

What's up, Buttercups!

If there were one thing that stood out during my stay is that every one - from elderly women to prepubescent schoolgoers - is perfectly made up. Bare-faced Korean women are much like rare Pokemon. But of course this doesn't come as a surprise, really, given that the Koreans swear by tedious 10-step skincare routines and are known to have a dizzying number of skincare brands at every nook and cranny of the country. One thing's for certain though:

Skincare is serious business in Korea.

Despite the fact that the MERS epidemic seemed to be in full swing at the time I was there, I refused to be shaken. I had one duty and one duty only: to buy as many skincare items as I possibly could. And shop, I did.

What can I say? Koreans regard skincare very highly - as do I.

Tuesday 9 June 2015

It all begins with, "Hello."

I've been meaning to amalgamate my undying addiction to all things beauty, fashion & food related with my love for writing. What better way to do so than through a blog, where I'll be able to share with y'all the things/places I love and love to loathe.

Images by Freepik